Monday, March 10, 2008

Kelli is a good sport about this- but sometimes William is not the best judge of his strength. Unfortunately, William has found himself in time out more often for trying to go outside- he'd rather be outside all the time and also for throwing tantrums. The next 12 months should be fun.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Boxing Day

We got creative and made a small playhouse out of a big box last week. Kelli and William acted like it was the ship from Curious George, but that was last week. This week it has turned on it's side and is a cross between the gallows and a trampoline/ slide for William.

William's curls


Here's the best pictures we could get of William's curly hair. It is the curliest when he gets up from long naps. But its hard to get him to hold still for a picture.
We're waiting for Bill and Mary to get back before he gets his first hair cut.

Friday, March 7, 2008

Catching up with life

Sorry it's been a while since we've posted. After the day off of school, Kelli came back from school the next day with a bad cold and cough. Needless to say, the virus made it's way through the family.We're all better now.

Kelli is busy learning her multiplication tables. It seems rather boring to her. Hopefully it will start to sink in for her soon.

William is wild about cars. I don't like going to the local drug store because he knows there's a toy car display near the entrance. He's almost unrestrainable when we get in the door. Knowing their marketing power, I can't go to the pharmacy to pick up a prescription without passing by the display. Maybe it's time to change where I get my prescriptions filled.

I'll work with Kelli to get her posting again soon. Next week we're going to Circus Ole sans William. It should be fun.